Location +91-8591042819

Tree Plantation

Taking the opportunity of the auspicious day of Sayana Ekadashi and following Dwadashi, ISKCON NVV devotees decided to go green amidst the world crisis for the benefit of society and nature.

"When our foundation is in harmony with the laws of nature, we will live in harmony with our eternal nature." - Radhanath Swami

It is essential that we have reverence for all of God's creation and live in harmony with nature. If we protect the environment, it will, in turn, protect us. We as human beings, the most evolved of all species have the responsibility to protect our ecosystem from catastrophic damage. We have to learn again how to live in harmony with nature rather than making futile attempts to conquer it.

Devotees came together for the plantation of varieties of Khatal/ Jack Fruit, Champa Flower and Mango trees. Almost …..number of trees were planted on NVV Farm int the area around Amphi Theatre. Devotees are always appreciating the Lord for all that He is giving to us in this material world. Although anything and everything which happens is by the grace of the Supreme Lord, the devotees are always looking for the service opportunity unto Him. Similarly, offering the fruits and flowers from these trees is a way to express our love for the Lord.

This is what the purpose of our every act as a human being should be, i.e. to please Supreme Lord. Although devotees planting trees may look similar to the mundane tree plantation ceremony, their purpose is entirely different. Actually, this is how the world can achieve peace and harmony, pleasing God rather than trying to satisfy our own mind and ego.

A devotee protects the trees in its early stage until the roots become strong. It is just like protecting and nourishing the tender creeper of devotional service, watering it through hearing and chanting, eventually producing fruits and flowers with beautiful Vaishnava qualities.

mali hana kare sei bija aropana

sravana-kirtana-jale karaye secana

[Cc. Madhya 19.152].

People of this world should take inspiration from this simple action of planting the trees, externally learning to be in harmony with nature and internally to fulfil the purpose of life.