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Sri Jagannath Baldev Subhadra Rath Yatra 2020

On 23 June we had a very unique experience with Bullock Cart Ratha Yatra. It was a very rare fortune in this hour of ongoing crisis amidst Covid-19 pandemic. Unique and rare in a sense that across the globe this would be only the second place where Ratha Yatra Celebration took place.

From almost a month for the reason of temple renovation, a temporary setup was made for Their Lordships Sri Sri Jagganath Baladeva, Subhadra Mayaa and Sudarshan. By proper planning, on the auspicious day of 23 June, Ratha Yatra day, opening of temple after renovation was planned. Royal arrangements were made for Ratha Yatra to take back Their Lordships to Sri Mandir on a bullock cart.

With the enthusiasm and hard work of all the Devotees, the bullock cart was beautifully decorated with all-natural, auspicious and befitting items available on the farm like Banana Leaves, Mango leaves, coconut leaves, and Cashew Fruits. Eagerly waiting for the Rath yatra to begin everyone was joyfully chanting the names of the Lord,  absorbing the mind in Lord's name, qualities, attributes, pastimes, and paraphernalia. 

Even the sky was clear, clouds were white, and the sun was shining dazzlingly bright. It appeared like the whole world was longing for Their Lordships ride. 


Devakinandan Prabhuji confidently took up the reins of bullocks. By the time the first pastime took place, it almost seemed that the Lord wanted to uproot the temporary setup. Pulling the cart carrying the Lord, both the bullocks appeared to be in ecstasy, running uncontrollably and dancing in their own way. All devotees with dancing kirtan led in front of the Bullock Ratha of Their Lordships. Devotees danced in ecstasy on the roaring kirtans. Their sparkling, cheerful face undoubtedly expressed the unmatched happiness one can attain in this world. 

    The rath halted for some time in the grihastha areas, where they came with special offerings like Jalebis, halwa Puri, petha, fruits, flowers and Arti paraphernalia for Their Lordships . While passing through the mids of grooves, it reminded us of the furrows of Vrindavan. Finally, around 6:30 pm, the Ratha reached Sri mandir, and the Lordships were taken to Their residence. All devotees shared their wondrous experiences of this unique and joyful celebration of Ratha yatra. This was followed by the opening of the renovated Temple, enlivening Sandhya Arti and feast Prasadam for all the devotees.

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